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In general, our task in this field is to repair or replace missing teeth or severely damaged teeth with alternatives. Partial crowns, crowns, bridges, dentures and implants are available.

Good oral surgery is very important not only for your mouth, but also for your jaw and your overall health: a resulting tooth gap should as soon be closed again in order to avoid negative consequences for other teeth disorders in the temporomandibular joint or even consequential damages such as teeth grinding or muscle tension.
A temporary Denture nowadays is available without clips and are made entirely of Valplast material. Before we decide to go about any procedure we present any oral findings in detail with our intraoral camera. We inform you about the advantages and disadvantages of likely alternatives and consider your individual wishes.
We are in cooperation with quality oriented dental laboratory and technicians who are masters of their craft, ceramic crowns finely painted and modeled for example will ensure that you will be satisfied with the outcome. Our specialists are masters of aesthetics and individual needs.
By the way: during your visit at our practice at Bayerischer Platz we clean your dentures for free in our ultrasonic cleaning-bath.

Further information.

Dental practice
Dr. Katja Hasselberg