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Laser is not a miracle device that replaces the drill, yet it is a supporting tool in our practice.
During a root canal procedure the laser is used to decontaminate the root canal from residual bacteria or after a cleaning of the root with hand instruments.
By using laser the risk of an infection spreading to the adjacent jawbone is significantly reduced. Should a root inflammation already have infested the surrounding bone we are able to avoid surgery by use of laser.
When treating gingivitis or periodontal disease laser eliminates inflammation-causing bacteria in deep gingival pockets. This requires a special ink solution which is applied to the gingival pockets, which responds to the laser light. Activation by the laser light results in the formation of active oxygen which causes damage to the bacterial membrane, thereby destroying the bacteria.
Minor surgeries without contact and blood, such as lip frenulum removal or the exposing of implants can be achieved by laser as well. These wounds do not need stitches and heal faster. Laser is effective in the treatment of cold sores or painful oral aphthous ulcers, a reduction of annoying symptoms such as itching is accomplished and lead to a significantly faster healing.
Further information

Dental practice
Dr. Katja Hasselberg