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Prophylaxis actually means nothing more than being precautionary.
It is our goal to keep your teeth and gums in good health, because the prevention of disease is always better than treating an established one.
This is what our professional prophylaxis and teeth-cleaning are for.

Here in our practice we have specially trained staff to show you how to effectively clean your teeth with toothbrushes, dental-floss and other aides and with a few tricks we can show you how to clean some of the hard to reach areas of your mouth.
Annoying bad breath and periodontal disease can be prevented!

During your professional teeth-cleaning hard and soft plaque and calculus are gently removed from the tooth surface as well as beteen the teeth. 
Discoloration and stains due to coffee, tea or smoking are also removed.
Existing gingival pockets are carefully cleaned disinfected through rinsing salutions to prevent further inflammation of the gums.

Sometimes the use of antibacterial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) for very deep pockets is necessary.

Finally, all teeth are carefully polished to acquire a smooth surface and fluoride is applied as a varnish to prevent tooth decay.

Different studies prove that teeth treated in this manner are reliably protected for over 100 days, bleeding gums and periodontal disease can hardly occur.

Depending on your personal risk profile we recommend you have a teeth-cleaning every three to six months in our practice in Berlin-Schöneberg.

We believe in prevention instead of treatment!

If you are not satisfied with the color of your teeth we can help you by bleaching them to a more youthful smile.
We use the Zoom method in our practice which removes unwanted pigments and stains from your teeth.
This gentle bleaching is easy and safe, so please contact us for a whiter smile!

Further Information

Dental practice
Dr. Katja Hasselberg