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Do you suffer from bleeding gums?
Do you sometimes have bad breath?
Do you suffer from retceding gums, do your teeth look as if they are gradually growing longer?

Even though only one of these symptoms might apply to you, you should urgently be examined in our practice in Berlin-Schöneberg for the symptoms of gingivitis (periodontal disease).
This disease forms gum pockets, which are niches around the tooth, in which bacteria is hiding. Here lies the danger of the disease-bacteria can multiply undisturbed and form a biofilm. If this disease is not diagnosed in a targeted screening, it can lead to bone loss around the tooth causing the loosening of teeth, which eventually even leads to tooth loss.
However, a periodontal disease not only endangers the affected teeth its about much more: it can promote heart / circulatory disorders, there are connections to diabetes and pregnant women have a higher risk of miscarriage or premature birth.
The treatment of periodontitis is basically simple:
No bacteria - no further progress of the disease. We use effective and modern methods such as risk profile analysis, digital x-ray,photodynamic therapy, laser therapy, bone augmentation using guided bone regeneration.
Through many years of experience and specific training in this field we have developed a tangible and successful concept that shows you a way out of periodontitis,inflammation of the gums, bad breath, loose teeth or bone loss!
Link: Further information  
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Dr. Katja Hasselberg