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  • Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Yasmin AwwadFür ein unbeschwertes und strahlendes Lächeln
  • Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Yasmin AwwadHochwertige Implantate - Damit die "Dritten" ihre "erste Wahl" sind
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Fear of the dentist or dental procedures is a common phenomenon. We are experienced in dealing with your fear and help you reduce the stress.
Adressing your fear during your first appointment is the best way for us to cater to your needs. We gradually introduce you to the dental treatment. The first visit should only serve getting acquainted and reducing your fear. We then carrie out a thorough oral clinical examination and a detailed planning of any necessary procedures. Each time when we explain our instruments and procedures, we also explain what we will   do next and how long it will take. Our patients always have a right of veto, so they don´t have a feeling of helplessness. If something feels unpleasant, the treatment will be stopped immediately.
This way every follow-up exam or treatment will be easier on you.

Special anxiety reduction training offer a chance to overcome your dental phobia by using specialized techniques. his way it will be possible for you to get through any  treatment without fear. Contents of this training are based on scientifically proven methods. In a 90-minute session, you work through an individually tailored exercise program together with a psychologist. You also get extensive information material and a CD. The goal: fearless dental visits!

Further information 

Dental practice
Dr. Katja Hasselberg