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Zertifikat Implantologie
One of the most revolutionary developments of modern dentistry is the implant.
Finally it is possible to replace missing teeth almost naturally, so nobody has to live with gaps anymore. Regardless of whether you you want to stabile teeth or stabilization of existing dentures-with implants you can bite vigorously again and feel secure while speaking- in short: implants make your life more livable again. Implants are screws made of biocompatible titanium. They are inserted into the jawbone and attaches very strongly with the surrounding bone. The actual prosthesis is an implant crown, implant bridge or implant denture with is attached to the implant itself.

Advantages of implants:

  • the reducing of healthy neighboring teeth is avoided
  • a removable denture is avoided
  • existing dentures can be stabilized
  • a healthy chewing function is again possible
  • the pressure during chewing is distributed evenly to the jawbone, which in turn protects against bone loss
  • you will have a natural pronunciation and expression, as well as a carefree smile
  • durability of over 10 years with more than 95% of all implants

In our practice in Berlin-Schöneberg you get the entire implant treatment from a single source. Each implantation is preceded by detailed discussions and digital x-ray examinations, in which we take your personal desires and oral situation into account. If there is bone-loss or insufficient jawbone material we can also perform bone augmentation or minimal invasive regeneration(sinus lift).

Further information

Dental practice
Dr. Katja Hasselberg