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  • Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Yasmin AwwadFür ein unbeschwertes und strahlendes Lächeln
  • Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Yasmin AwwadHochwertige Implantate - Damit die "Dritten" ihre "erste Wahl" sind
  • Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Yasmin AwwadIn angenehmer Atmosphäre beim Zahnarzt? Ja, das geht.
  • Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Yasmin AwwadUnsere kleinen Patienten liegen uns besonders am Herzen
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In our practice in Berlin-Schöneberg we care for the proper functioning of your teeth.
But we want even more: your best smile!
A great smile sends important signals, provokes reactions, opens the heart ...
Give your fellow man a smile:
your best smile - with healthy, white and straight teeth.
How we achieve a perfect smile:

  • Professional teeth cleaning
  • Tooth whitening (bleaching) with the ZOOM system
  • Cosmetic deformity corrections
  • Beauty guards (harmony guards)

The Harmony guard sets crooked teeth straight in the visible region. It is especially suitable for adults, because the transparent, flexible plastic guard is neither noticed nor interferes with everyday life
Invisible as a contact lens it acts in finely metered steps on your teeth.
The result: a radiantly beautiful smile in only a few weeks. Nobody will be able to recognize that you are straightening your teeth. Only the result will be noticed ...

Further Information and here.

Dental practice
Dr. Katja Hasselberg